Sunday 19 January 2014

One door closes, another one opens.

I have officially been the worst blogger in the entire universe, but lately, pony wise, i haven't been having too much luck. Mol found herself a lovely long term loan home and has settled perfectly and is getting on amazingly. She's happy and therefore, so am i. I've told myself I'm not allowed to be sad because she's not and she wouldn't want me to be. At the end of the day, she's still mine, i can still go see her and still ride her and squish her every now and again if i really super wanted to so it's a pretty good deal really. I then rode Del for a while, but in all honesty, i don't think we really got on at all. We were two completely different souls, which is the only way i can put it, despite it being super cheesy. So, 2013 ended slightly sad for me really. I ended up having a lot to think about, miss, and decide. I really still wonder if I'm doing the right thing half of the time, it's hard, really hard, but I'm coping pretty well.

So, 2014 has started and I'm thinking about my goals for this year. I achieved quite a few of my goals last year, and I think setting goals pushes you to strive for more and take those insane 5 seconds of courage every time they come around every now and again. I have however made a couple of new year's resolutions.
My new year's resolutions are:
1. Be more positive!
I am very much done with my negative ways and never thinking optimistically, i have an amazing life, amazing friends and I get some amazing opportunities, so why am I taking this all for granted? I've told myself this has to stop and I've said sorry to a lot of people, moved on and become a lot stronger for it. I'm seriously waking up in the morning feeling a whole lot better and not much can get me down anymore. Whenever something goes wrong, I look at the positive side and I think of why this has happened and how I can learn from it. I've realised, 2013 was my year to learn and take notes, 2014 is now my chance to use these lessons and take action, because changes need to happen for the good. Now I'm not changing who I am, no way, I'm too big of a believer in being yourself to do that, I'm just tweaking myself, so that I'm a tad more bearable when it's just me and my thoughts.
2. Read more!
This is a pretty big one in some ways. Coming into my last years of school, there's such a big push for me to do well. I've never been good at failing, and I'm not going to start now. My English teacher is constantly telling us to read more, and it's something I used to really enjoy, and so I'm going to start doing more of it. As well as blogging more and editing more because I'm too much of a procrastinator and this needs to stop.
3. Stop listening and start ignoring!
So this is not meant to be taken in the way that if you talk to me, I won't listen but it's about people being negative and trying to inflict that on me. Well no more. I'm really determined this year to stay happy, healthy and down right awesome (to some extent i suppose). Because next year I turn 16, and my god has that come far too quickly. I'll soon be leaving everything I know behind and going into the big, wide world, all on my own (sort of) and that's pretty scary. So I'm only listening to things that are important, not the hate.
4. Finally, spend more time with loved ones!
Family and friends are a huge part of my life. They always have been. Without people around me, I really don't know where I'd be. A huge example of this, is my Mum. Now, my Mum has been one of the only people to truly stick by me my whole life, even when my Dad didn't. And after everything we've both been through, she stands a little taller each day and sets one of the best examples of a person I know. And that is one of the reason why if you ask me who my role model is, I'll most certainly say My Mum.

So, they're my resolutions for this year.
My goals are yet to come.
This year seems like it's going to be a good one.
So, here's to 2014 and for sticking to my resolutions.