Tuesday 10 March 2015

Lottie learns to jump (again)

So as I mentioned in my last blog, Star the newest pony to enter my life, arrived last week(?) and he has lived up to his name ever since he arrived.

He has only been ridden 3 times since arriving at the yard and has been ridden with two other horses in the school on more than one occasion and had horses coming in and out during our rides but he has still remained focused on the job and well behaved! 
On our second ride there was some poles out so we decided to have a go, one of the women on the yard was riding and when star was a bit unsure she very nicely led us over them first. After star knew what the task was he loved them and was pulling me into the poles and generally having a great time! 
The next ride we had Beff come visit and we again tried some poles but at a canter this time and again Star was dragging me into them and zooming around like a pro! He schooled beautifully for Beff after I got off and then even jumped some jumps showing that the height we started him at was clearly not enough for him at all, he loved it and by the end of the session he was taking me to the jumps when I had no reins or even any sense of direction haha! 
All in all, things are looking very exciting for me and Star and this show season (when I'm not at work!) and we are going out for our first time together next week! I'm a little nervous I won't lie but I'm also very excited! 

John has also been ridden and has definitely not been forgotten and was awesome to ride the other day nailing all of his canter transitions and starting to properly use himself and balancing up more and more everytime! So we shall forgive his naughty behaviour on our hack about a week ago;) 
So there's your little update for now and I will report back soon!

Enjoy some photos of what we've been up to recently!