Thursday 26 February 2015

I may have not been completely honest with you...

*holds hands up*

Yes, guilty, I have been keeping a secret from you.
In my defense, I kept it for a reason!

I'm hoping no-one has guessed this because I have tried to keep it as hushed and top secret as I possibly could but I think it's time you know now.

Tonight saw the arrival of Star.

Star is a 16hh, Cleveland Bay x Thoroughbred, but I won't tell you his age because I want to see if anyone can guess!
He's a fab horse who seems to really take everything in his stride and considering he hasn't jumped/been off the yard/been in a school in 5/6 years and he loaded first time, traveled perfectly, got off the trailer and walked down to the school perfectly and then proceeded to school amazingly and did not put a foot wrong, I think it's safe to say he's a gem. When he did the jump, he first just did a pole on the floor and clearly loved it as jumped it and then went it up to a cross pole he had a little look at it but popped it fine every single time after with no hesitation and I think that is saying something considering the last time he jumped a show jump was many many years ago.

I am very excited to get him fit and jumping again and get him out and about! Things are definitely looking very exciting.

The decision to get another horse was not easy, I just want to put this out there. John is still my number one and will not be forgotten about, no matter what, my Mum adores him and has already stated the rules. I'm not really going to explain it anymore because I don't feel I should have to but I wanted to just say John is still with us and he is my absolute baby and best friend and there is no way he will come second to another horse or be any less cared for, I just simply would rather get rid of the other one before doing that and I said that when I first started looking at horses.

But less of the serious stuff, Star is home!! Eeeek!!!

Having a trot

I am having the best time riding that horse

Not jumped in 5/6 years? No problem!

Cutest little face

Wednesday 18 February 2015

All of the stuff...

I honestly don't remember everything that has happened since we last spoke, all I do know is some very exciting things have happened!

John and I had our first lesson in forever and I really did not realise how many bad habits I have, and it was definitely worth the lesson because I realised we as a pairing are not really ready to have all our naughty bad habits tweaked yet because he is still learning and balancing himself and just generally figuring out what leg goes where and when it needs to be there. So I have decided that one day we will have lessons again, but for now, we can just enjoy getting there and this is nothing against the instructor I had, Heather, as she was fab, I just feel we are not ready for lessons yet but I know that when we are ready, she is always there for contacting.

In all honesty, John has been ridden much, he had about a month off and I got back on him again a few days ago, and as always he was a star. A few things had dropped in quality, for example, his speed, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt because he worked lovely in the end and was really listening to me and working with instead of against me as he was at the start of our ride.
I rode him again yesterday and we went out on a hack. Now this was the first time we had been out since moving yards and I wasn't really sure what to expect, but all I can say is that the hacking is fitted perfectly to both me and him and I can see us often going out for a stroll in the summer evenings. It was quiet, picturesque and there were no roads, score! I cannot tell you how happy I am to no longer have to see scary road signs, white lines and red cars, I could not be more relieved if I tried. While we were out, he was perfect, he didn't look at anything, and wasn't even really tense from the start, because he has been so much worse before. However, he did find it necessary to jump the blue hose pipe we had to cross to leave the yard, but I knew this was coming and it didn't come as much of a shock to me as I know what's he like far too well. He even trotted away from Emma and Beth of a couple of occasions (one of which was his choice and would not let me walk because he wanted get home super quick to see his friends) and had no fuss about this either.

Apart from this though, not much has happened, some exciting things are taking place but these are all secrets and I cannot share, teheehhe

Here's some pictures to show you that John is in fact not dead, just not in a lot of work!

Good boy looking after me after I had the dentist!

They love each other and I love it.

Conquering the world with the wind in his hair