Sunday 25 October 2015

Late night blogging (zzz!)

I am such a bad blogger, I continue to get better and then worse again, I think it's because I'm so busy I just forget!

Anyway, enough with excuses, my ponies are being SUPER!
I could not be prouder with how they are going recently and they really are proving how worthy all the hard work I've put into them is.

John is turning into a fantastic little horse, schooling amazingly and he has matured so very much in the past few months. I do really think with a pony like himself, it does him the world of good to go be fat for a few weeks in between work. He always seems to come back so much better and not only that, but this time he seems to have screwed his head on a bit more and realised that not the whole world is trying to eat him, only some.

Star is still being super. We've been for a couple gallops across the stubble field while we have it to ride in and it's safe to say we both thoroughly enjoy them. We also went xc as I mentioned in my last blog with Beth and Sparkie and he was amazing. He felt so much more balanced and level headed than the last time we went and even though we didn't jump fences as big as last time, I felt like there was a massive improvement in him despite the ground being terrible and riding with another horse!

They both continue to impress me so much. :)

In other news, apart from this, not a lot has happened!
School has started again and everyone is at work and so team has not had much quality time together which makes me oh so very sad and I hope this is going to be rectified very soon.
I have begun putting Emma what seems to have become leg bootcamp to help improve her leg and general aids when riding by standing in a field and screaming at her. It seems to be working so I must be doing something right?! But no, in all honesty, it is really nice to see someone who you care so much about flourish so well in something they enjoy so much. It's even better, in fact, to know you're helping them get there. :)

All in all, not a lot to say really!
Summer is over, sad, but christmas is fast approaching and that in itself is something to get very happy about indeed!

I will try to blog more, promise!!